Readers' Choice Awards Voting Opens Today
The journey towards determining the best of online video technology continues, as today we open up voting for the 2013 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards. It's the only awards program in the industry where the winners are chosen by you, the people who actually use the products and services that we'll honor at Streaming Media West.
Click here for the voting form
The journey began in July, when we solicited nominations in each of our 26 categories. We received more than 475 nominations, and after we got rid of duplicates, we have a total of 253 nominees. If, as you go through the voting process, you find an instance where a product or service is missing from a given category, please contact us at, and we'll evaluate the request and make the addition if it's appropriate.
Voting is open until October 25. Last year, more than 58,000 people voted in the awards.
We'll announce the top 3 finalists in each category on November 1, and we'll reveal the winners at Streaming Media West in Huntington Beach CA on November 20. This year's Readers' Choice Awards are sponsored by Wowza Media Systems and Teradek.
Winners are also featured in the December/January issue of Streaming Media magazine, on, and published in StreamingMedia Xtra newsletter.
Also at Streaming Media West, we'll be announcing the winner of the first Streaming Media Producer Challenge. We're offering a brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark III Digital SLR Camera to the filmmaker who can deliver the most exciting, mind-blowing 15-second promo for the Streaming Media brand. The Streaming Media Producer Challenge is sponsored by Limelight Networks and Teradek.
So get to it! To refresh your memory, here are the categories for this year's Readers' Choice Awards:
Cellular Bonding Solution
Closed Captioning Solution
Cloud Encoding/Transcoding Service
Content Delivery Network
Desktop Video Editing Software
DRM/Access Control Solution
Education Video Platform
Encoding Software
Enterprise Video Platform
Field Encoder
Hardware Encoder (On-Demand)
Hardware Encoder (Live)
Live Video Platform
Media & Entertainment Video Platform
Media Server
Multi-Language Solution
Portable Live Streaming Appliance
Reporting & Analytics Platform
Search & Discovery Platform
Transparent Video Caching Solution
Video Advertising Management Platform
Video Advertising Network
Video Switcher/Mixer
Webcasting/Presentation Solution (On-Prem)
Webcasting/Presentation Solution (Cloud)
Companies and Suppliers Mentioned